Monday, July 12, 2010
I thought that the weather couldn't get any more disgusting, but I was wrong. Surprisingly, I survived the week - not quite intact (I think I've conjured up a cold during the weekend, and am taking today off) but c'est la vie.

I'll probably revise my goals for the week based on how I feel tomorrow, but hopefully this'll be a 24-hour sort of illness. They usually never are, but I can hope for probability to swing for once in my favor.

Sun: (double counting this one from last week) 10 mi at Battle Road, 71 minutes
Mon: 5 mi, 35 minutes - just around Newton, slogging.
Tue: 7 mi, 54 minutes - Bentley road loop + woods. Slow as can be, met a new fellow (Mark) who Steve and I might be running with some over the summer.
Wed: 8.5 mi, 61 minutes - up to Cold Spring Park and around 3 times, then back home.
Thu: 8.5 mi, 62 minutes - the same, this one wholly solo. I had to go pick up the score for a musical at a playhouse for Sarah...which, told properly, would sound somewhat like the woeful mourning of the sailor in Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
Fri: 7.2 mi, 54 minutes early in the morning with Will, so I didn't have to run later in W-town.
Sat: 8 mi, 59 minutes slowly over the gargantuan hills of Williamstown, where my quadricepinal fortitude was no match for the mighty bulwark of its misty mountains.

tot: 54.2 mi, 391 minutes


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