Sunday, October 18, 2009
This week, this is what my calves and quadriceps were up to - I was just along for the ride:

sun oct 11 - 7.25 mi
mon oct 12 - 8 mi
tues oct 13 - 12.1 mi
weds oct 14 - off
thurs oct 15 - 8 mi
fri oct 16 - 8 mi
sat oct 17 - 12 mi

I think that adds up to something like 55 miles.

I took Weds off because I'm kind of reworking my way up after dropping down to lower numbers - plantar
fasciitis is pretty dumb. I've basically taken to running only at Cutler Park and the Cleveland Reservoir to combat my lower extremity woes.

Workouts were on Tuesday and Saturday - both actually went surprisingly well, considering they were both long as hell.

Tuesday was - 20 minutes tempo with 4 minutes rest, 4 x 1 minute on, 1 minute off, 4 minutes rest, then 5 minutes @ 5k pace. It was around the perpetually temperate Reservoir and I managed to both freeze and sweat profusely (in the neon orange jacket that Kevin loves so much). Tempo went okay - it always feels a little...awkward, I guess - going at that pace for me. Fell off the back a little bit at the end but I'm okay with that.

Saturday was a delectable 6 x 4 minutes on, 3 minutes off at Lincoln. I can't say that I'm a huge fan of the longer rest workouts, because it seems like I have a tendency to falter on them a lot more than on the 5 x 5 minute on, 1 minute off workout (for example). I imagine it's just because this workout is 39 minutes long - whereas the other is just 29. Your heart rate is elevated for longer - and you're probably going faster. Paterno showed up - it's always good to see a man of his age getting out and about.

Post-workout, I went to Donelan's and had the most delicious dutch chocolate muffin the world has ever seen. It was a quality day - blue skies and bad techno accompanied me home, to a shower and then driving to New Haven.

Damn it's good to be working out again! I will admit - I get a little lazy in the summer when it's just me doing my thing on Comm Ave all the time. Something about the heat gets to me too...anyhow, it would have likely been a much more craptastic summer without Will to heckle me about running in the mornings and going really stupidly long on Sundays. And working out wouldn't be as much fun, either, without Chris - because he destroys every workout and I can't help but try and keep up. The fact that he's in good shape will mean that I get in better shape too. It's just one big clusterfuck of symbiosis. Hooray life! Hooray track!


Allie said...

Dude, I totally feel you on the PF bit. I had PF for over a year.

I don't really know what finally made it go away, but it was some combination of new shoes that were much stiffer and a lot more snug (Mizuno's I think) and taping my arches.

I can't wear orthotics because I run up on my toes and no one ever thought of that when they created orthotics (since I run on my toes, I don't put much weight over the orthotic at any point in my stride) so I had to come up with new ways of supporting my arches - hence the taping.

If you have high arches (it might also work on low or medium arches, I don't know), try taping like so: start the first strip of tape right around where you cuboid bone is and wrap it under your foot. Pull it tight around the inside of your arch and then wrap it the rest of the way around until it overlaps with itself. Put another piece of tape half overlapping the first one and half closer to your toes - wrap paralleling the first piece of tape. Add one more piece of tape like the last one only half a tape-width closer to your heel. Basically, just wrap three pieces of tape around your arch and pull it tight when you are wrapping the arch part. I could have just said that to begin with, but I didn't.

Sorry I left such a long incoherent comment... I guess I just really sympathize with what you are going through because I was hurt pretty much the entire last three years of my collegiate career. Injuries suck ass and I want to help any way I can when I see another runner struggling with them.

Anyway, I hope some of this helps or at least distracts you for a second by making you go "WTF??"

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