Monday, November 2, 2009
Last week was pretty decent. I'm hoping that my ability to just keep running 60-65 a day consistently will weather well, now that daylight savings has arrived and obliterated any chance of me ever seeing sunlight while running again. At least for the next 6 months, I'm probably going to be running in the dark every day except weekends. Less than thrilling.

Last week:
Sun - 9.47 mi (Mayor's Cup)
Mon - 8.25 mi
Tues - 8.25 mi
Weds - 11.6 mi
Thurs - Off
Fri - 8.25
Sat - 10.85
total - 56ish

Wednesday and Saturday were workout days. Wednesday was 6 times 4 minutes on 1 minute off around the Cleveland res - I got there a little late because my attempted shortcut to avoid traffic on Commonwealth Ave...ended spitting me out 5 minutes later at an even earlier point on Commonwealth Ave. Agh. I ended up running the intervals with Fabian and Jenn, which worked well - I had enough in me to do 6, but I probably would not have been able to if I had gone with the rest of the crew. (I also ended up warming up with Tom, as everyone else had already taken off by the time I got there)

Saturday didn't go quite as well feeling-wise - we did a fartlek at Lincoln. 1000m at a little faster than tempo, then 1000m at marathon pace (such as it is for a 1500m runner) - it ended up being something like 3:30 and then 3:45. Not terrible, but it's just a difficult kind of workout for me.

As always, can't freakin' wait till indoor starts. A little less than a month now!


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